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Respiration in animals important points



                         -: Important points :- 

# Rate of breathing in an adult human is 14-18/min.

# Respiratory mechanism is controlled by Central nervous system.

# R.Q is more than one when respiratory substrate is Organic acids.

# Asthama is caused due to spasm in bronchial muscles

# The function of tracheal hair is to pass mucus out.

Alveoli are end part of the branch of trachea and take part in the exchange of gases.

# Percentage of CO₂ gas in dry air is 0.04%.

# Trachea is lined with incomplete rings of Hyaline cartilage.

Automobile exhaust causes respiratory problems because of the presence of carbon monoxide.

Book-lungs are respiratory organs of Arachnida.

# Pseudostratified epithelium is found in Respiratory tract.

0.5 L of air can be inspired or expired during normal breathing.

# Number of lobes in right and left lungs of rabbit are 4 and 2.

# The form of energy used in respiration is Chemical.

# Haemoglobin-oxygen dissociation curve is  Sigmoid.

Chloride shift is essential for transport of CO2.

#  Amount of O2 normally carried by 100 ml of pure blood is 20 ml.

# In anaerobic respiration of muscles, pyruvic acid is changed to Lactic acid.

Hamburger shift is also called Chloride shift.

# During hibernation, frog respires by Moist skin.

# Sites of gaseous exchange in lungs are Alveoli.

Myoglobin is found in Muscles.

# Exchange of gas between blood and alveolar air in lungs occurs by Simple diffusion.

# Volume of air inspired and expired in each breath in normal respiration by man is called Tidal volume.

# Oxygen carrier or the respiratory pigment in the blood of frog and other vertebrates is Haemoglobin.

# Controlling centre of normal breathing in mammals lies in Medulla oblongata.

# Respiratory system is derived from Endoderm.

# Epithelial lining of respiratory system of frog is derived from Endoderm.

# Rate of breathing in mammals largely depends upon Carbon dioxide concentration in blood.

# Carbonic anhydrase is found in Erythrocytes

# In haemoglobin, 4 oxygen molecules can attach.

# The vital capacity of adult human lungs is equal to 4800 ml.

# The total percentage of oxygen transported by the haemoglobin is 97%.

# Haemoglobin most strongly combines with CO.

# If carbohydrate is subjected to anaerobic respiration, RQ will be Infinity.

R.Q. of carbohydrate will be 1.

# In the form of  Bicarbonate ions , CO2 is mostly carried in the blood.

# In Earthworm  respiration occurs without any respiratory organ.

# Residual air mostly occurs in Alveoli

# During inspiration the lungs act as suction pump.

#  Larynx  contain vocal cords.

# Mammalian lungs contain an enormous number of minute alveoli. This is to allow more surface area for diffusion of gases

# Body tissues obtain oxygen from oxyhaemoglobin because of its dissociation caused by low O2 and high CO2 concentration.

# During inspiration, the diaphragm contract.

# Respiratory centre that controls normal breathing lies in meulla oblongata.

# In the form of Sodium bicarbonate CO2 is carried in blood.

# Inspiratory air in lungs ultimately reaches Alveoli.

# Haemoglobin is having maximum affinity with CO

# Ciliated cells are found in Bronchus.

# Voice in mammals produced during exhalation.

# Buccopharyngeal respiration in frog stops when there is pulmonary respiration.

# The most stable product formed with haemoglobin is by CO.

# Approximately composition of O2 in inspired and expired air is 21% and 16%.

# Total lung capacity is 5800 ml.

# One common feature of trachea of rabbit and trachea of cockroach is that both have non-collapsible walls.

# The impulse for voluntary forced breathing starts in cerebral hemisphere.

# Pouched gills are found in Cyclostomes.

# Trachea is double in Penguin.

# Dyspnoea is the difficult breathing.

# Number of tracheal rings in human trachea is 16-20.

# Stage when the lung is collapsed, especially the alveoli, is Atelectesis.

# Animals having two respiratory pigments Serpula.

# Maximum amount of the air that can be exchanged per minute is Vital capacity.

# Pco2 released from the body is about 30%.

Haldane believes oxyhaemoglobin to act as  Acid.

Fe3+  form of iron is found in haemoglobin.

# A person breathing normally at rest takes in and expells approximately half a litre of air during each respiratory cycle. It is called Tidal Volume.

# Respiratory quotient (RQ) for fats is less than one.

Air bladder or swim bladder in fishes is associated with Hydrostasis , Sound production and Gaseous exchange.

Arytenoid cartilage occurs in Larynx.

# In an organism utilising carbohydrates as a source of energy anaerobically, RQ is likely to be .Infinity.

 # The state during which the respiratory centre is inhibited is termed Anoxia.

# Bohr effect is related with Reduced oxygen level in haemoglobin.

# Amount of oxygen transported by one gram of hemoglobin is 1.34ml.

# The respiratory centre in the brain is stimulated by CO2 concentration in arterial blood.

Carbonic anhydrase is found in erythrocytes.

Decrease in pH, oxygen dissociation curve of haemoglobin shift to the right of normal curve.

# Carbon dioxide is transported from tissue to respiratory surface by only plasma and erythrocytes.

# The correct sequence of air passage in human :-  nasal cavity > pharynx  > larynx > trachea >  bronchioles >  alveoli

# With the help of RBCs and blood plasma the transport of Oxygen and carbon dioxide by blood takes place.

# When 1200 ml air is left in the lung it is called residual volume.

# The process of migration of chloride ions from plasma to RBCs and carbonate ions from RBCs to plasma is called Chloride Shift.

# When carbon dioxide concentration in blood increase the breathing becomes faster and deeper.

Thanks for reading! 

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